Schlüter-BEKOTEC-BTS  5 mm sound insulation

Schlüter-BEKOTEC-BTS, designed for acoustic comfort, is a 5 mm thick sound insulation layer of closed cell polyethylene foam suitable for installation below the Schlüter-BEKOTEC-EN-P, Schlüter-BEKOTEC-EN-PF and Schlüter-BEKOTEC-EN 23 F studded screed panels. The use of BEKOTEC-BTS results in a significant improvement in sound insulation. The material can be used if the required construction height is not sufficient for a thick insulation layer of polystyrene or mineral fibre. The maximum floor load must be limited to 2 kN/m².

Schlüter-BEKOTEC-BTS  5 mm sound insulation

Product image BEKOTEC-BTS 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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