Imprint and legal notice

Find out here about our imprint and our legal notices, such as liability and copyrights.

Schlüter-Systems Legal notice

Terms of website use

The information included in this website is provided by

Schlüter-Systems KG
Schmölestraße 7
D-58640 Iserlohn

Tel.: +49 2371 971-0
Fax: + 49 2371 971-1111

Managing Partner: Werner Schlüter, Udo Schlüter, Marc Schlüter
Municipal Court Iserlohn HRA no. 2099
ILN 40 1183200 000 3
VAT number: DE813037397


Liability for content

The content of this website was created with diligent care, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness and validity.

Liability for links

Our website contains links to third-party websites, the content of which we cannot control. As a result, we cannot be held liable for such third-party content. The content of linked websites is exclusively the responsibility of the respective providers or operators. Linked pages were reviewed for potential legal violations at the time the link was created. No illegal content was identified at the time. However, without specific evidence of legal violations, it is impossible to consistently monitor the content of linked websites. We will immediately remove such links as soon as we become aware of legal violations.


The content of this website provided by the site operator is subject to German copyright law. Third-party contributions are marked as such. The reproduction, editing, distribution and any kind of utilisation beyond the usage permitted under copyright law requires the written approval of the author or content provider. Downloads and copies of this page are permitted for private, non-commercial purposes only.

The operators of this website strive to observe the copyrights of others at all times or to use self-generated, non-licensed work.

Images: Schlüter-Systems KG, Pixelio, Adobe Stock, Istockphoto, Shutterstock Images, Getty Images and Fotosearch.

Permitted use of contents

When using this website, you are obligated to observe the copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights of third parties. Protected content includes all web pages of Schlüter-Systems KG, including the presented images and trademarks such as "Schlüter-DITRA".

This website and these usage terms do not to confer any license or any other rights to the intellectual property rights of Schlüter-Systems KG. You agree to refrain from any misuse of the content.