Schlüter-DITRA  Uncoupling mat

The original. Now even better!

The Schlüter-DITRA uncoupling mat, with its exceptional diversity of functions, is renowned worldwide as a proven universal substrate for tile installations. When it comes to waterproofing, uncoupling, vapour pressure equalisation, load transfer and heat distribution, nothing matches the DITRA mat installed under tiles. Our company is known for its efforts to continue to optimise products after they are launched. So it is no surprise that, with the predecessor DITRA 25 enjoying its well-deserved retirement, the new version of DITRA has been redesigned to make it even easier to work with.

The EasyCut gridlines make the mat even easier and faster to cut and offers even greater flexibility, making the mat easier to unroll. The new Easyfill design features integrated air release vents for better air circulation, which in turn make the tile adhesive quicker to apply and help it bond with the modified undercuttings of the mat.

Data sheet
  • EasyCut
  • EasyFill
Product image DITRA 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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Cross-section drawing DITRA 1
Product image DITRA 1
Product image DITRA 2

General product information

What this product does

Schlüter-DITRA is a polypropylene mat with EasyCut gridlines, undercut square EasyFill recesses and an anchoring fleece laminated to the underside.

In conjunction with tile coverings, DITRA provides waterproofing, a vapour pressure equalisation layer for underside moisture and an uncoupling layer for problematic substrates.

The substrate must be flat and load-bearing. To attach DITRA, a thin-bed mortar appropriate to the substrate is applied using a notched trowel (recommended size: 3 x 3 mm or 4 x 4 mm). The anchoring fleece on the rear side of DITRA is bonded with this over its entire area and the fabric is physically bonded to the adhesive. The curing time of the adhesive must be taken into consideration.

The tile covering is installed directly over the DITRA in accordance with the applicable regulations, using the thin-bed method. The thin-bed mortar bonds with the square undercut recesses of the DITRA mat.

Summary of functions

a) Uncoupling

DITRA uncouples the covering from the substrate, thereby also neutralising any stresses between the substrate and the tile covering that may result from various deformations. It also bridges tension cracks from the substrate and prevents them from affecting the tile covering.

b) Waterproofing

DITRA is a waterproof polypropylene membrane with a relatively high water vapour diffusion seal. When correctly mated with the abutting joints and the transitions to walls and structural elements, DITRA can provide a certified bonded waterproofing with the tile covering.

DITRA can be used in accordance with the waterproofing standards 18531-5 and 18534 applicable in Germany. Water exposure classes: W0-I to W3-I. DITRA also carries the general technical certificate (allgemeines bauaufsichtliches Prüfzeugnis, abP) required in Germany.

The DITRA waterproofing system holds a European Technical Assessment (ETA) in accordance with EAD 030436-00-0503 and a certificate of technical approval for the German market (abP) and bears a CE mark. Schlüter-DITRA can be installed in compliance with the DIN 18531-5* and DIN 18534 waterproofing standards applicable in Germany.
Water exposure classes: W0-I to W3-I*.

* With abP and/or based on ETA as per EAD 030436-00-0503.

Further information on use and installation is available on request from our Technical Department.

DITRA has a European Technical Assessment (ETA) in accordance with EAD 03043600-0503 and carries a CE mark.

Where work must be CE-compliant or in accordance with the certificate of technical approval (abP), only system-certified thin-bed mortar should be used. For further information about thin-bed mortars and the corresponding technical approval certificates, please contact us at the address provided on this data sheet.
The DITRA waterproofing system protects the sub-structure from damage caused by permeating moisture or aggressive substances.

c) Vapour pressure equalisation

The air channels of DITRA remain open on the underside and so allow vapour pressure equalisation in the event of moisture exposure from behind.

d) Load distribution (load induction)

Tiles installed on DITRA in floor areas should have a minimum size of 5 x 5 cm and a thickness of at least 5.5 mm. Stresses from traffic loads that impact the tile covering are conducted, via the square recesses of the DITRA filled with thin-bed mortar, directly to the substrate. This provides tile coverings laid on DITRA with a high level of durability. Where traffic loads are high (e.g. in commercial areas) or high point loads are expected (such as concert grand pianos, forklift trucks or shelf systems, etc.), the tiles for each area must be sufficiently thick and have adequate compressive stability. The information and tile thicknesses specified in the information sheet on ceramic floor coverings with high mechanical stress resistance ('Mechanisch hoch belastbare keramische Bodenbeläge') of the Association of the German Construction Industry (ZDB), valid in Germany, must be observed.

Tiles in high-stress areas must be wholly embedded in the tile adhesive. The impact of hard objects should be avoided on ceramic coverings.

e) Adhesive bond

Through the anchoring of the fleece fabric bond to the substrate with thin-bed mortar plus the mechanical anchoring of the thin-bed mortar in the undercut square recesses, DITRA creates a strong bond between the tile covering and the substrate. This makes DITRA suitable for use on both walls and floors. To attach wall coverings, anchoring wall plugs may additionally be used if needed.