Schlüter-TREP-V comprise aluminium support sections that are fitted with a tread insert consisting of a rigid PVC base section and a soft PVC slip resistant surface.
The support section includes a trapezoid perforated anchoring leg for installing the profile in freshly installed tile adhesive or epoxy resin.
In the case of TREP-V 42/12, the insert has a visible width of 42 mm at tread tiles and 12 mm at riser tiles, while TREP-V 60/32 features a visible width of 60 mm at the tread tiles and 32 mm at the riser tiles. The luminosity values or reflectance and luminance factor required for calculating visual contrast according to DIN 32975 were determined in a laboratory for the seven different colours of the tread insert (see Technical data). Our working aid contains additional information for calculating visual contrast.
Material properties and areas of application
In special cases, the suitability of a profile type must be verified based on the anticipated chemical, mechanical and/or other stresses.
Schlüter-TREP-V are resistant to the chemical stresses commonly encountered in tiled coverings on stairs or steps. Aluminium is sensitive to alkaline media.
Cementitious materials, in conjunction with moisture, become alkaline. Since aluminium is sensitive to alkaline substances, exposure to the alkali (depending on the concentration and time of exposure) may result in corrosion. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the profile is solidly embedded in the setting material and that all cavities are filled to prevent the accumulation of alkaline water. The support sections and treads of TREP-V differ in their thermal expansion.
Abutting profiles should therefore be aligned with the joints of the adjacent covering if necessary. The profiles are exclusively suitable for use in interior spaces.