Schlüter-SCHIENE-V  Finishing profile made of aluminium

Schlüter-SCHIENE-V is a aluminium finishing profile without joint spacer for wooden floors or other rigid covering materials such as terrazzo, with a right angled transition from the anchoring leg to the finishing leg. The evenly shaped finishing leg allows for grinding of the covering.

Data sheet
  • Radius perforation
Product image SCHIENE-V 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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General product information

How to install this product

  1. Select the profile height according to the tile thickness and the installation method.
  2. Apply tile adhesive to the area where the tile covering will end, using a notched trowel.
  3. Press the trapezoid-perforated anchoring leg of the profile firmly into the adhesive and align it.
  4. Trowel additional tile adhesive over the trapezoid perforated anchoring leg to ensure full coverage.
  5. Fully embed the adjoining tiles and adjust them in such a way that the upper lip of the profile is flush with the tile.
    Note: The profile may slightly protrude or be recessed in the wall area to offset dimensional variations in the covering material. In floor areas, the profile should not be higher than the tiled surface, but rather up to approx. 1 mm lower.
  6. The tile is set to the lateral joint spacer, which creates an evenly spaced joint of 1.5 mm. In the case of profiles without joint spacer, a joint of approx. 1.5 mm is recommended.
  7. Completely fill the space between the tile and the profile with grout.


Video How to install tile profiles for floor transitions - Schlüter®-SCHIENE
How to install tile profiles for floor transitions - Schlüter®-SCHIENE