Schlüter-KERDI-LINE-D  Frameless channel cover

Even less visible than the grate and frame combination KERDI-LINE-C: the completely frameless channel cover KERDI-LINE-D. The covering support made of high-quality stainless steel features a fleece fabric for bonding with the tile adhesive and is suitable for all covering thicknesses. The covering can be ordered in 14 different lengths and must match the length of the selected channel.

Please note: This product cannot be combined with the off-centre vertical drainage KERDI-LINE-VOS.

Product image KERDI-LINE-D 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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General product information

How to install this product

Follow the installation steps of the relevent KERDI-LINE linear drainage systems KERDI-LINE-H/ -KERDI-LINE-H 50 G2/ -KERDI-LINE-F/ -KERDI-LINE-V or -KERDI-LINE-V 50 G2 (refer to the products for detailed instructions).

Mounting the Schlüter-KERDI-LINE-D frameless covering support

  1. For wall installation, adhere the cover strip facing the wall, as shown, after removing the protective foil.
  2. Then place the spacers in the channel body.
  3. Install the covering of the shower area up to the channel body. Remove any excess thin-bed mortar completely and seal any open areas in the adhesive layer (see note).
  4. In wall installation, the width (B) of the covering corresponds to the clearance from the wall to the inside edge of the spacer less 1 mm.

    For intermediate installation, the width of the covering corresponds to the inside width of the spacer (= 50 mm).

    At the exposed edges, the cover can either be adapted to the joint width of the entire covering or installed as a perimeter drainage.

  5. Remove the spacers once the covering has cured and apply thin-bed mortar to the covering support.
  6. Then adhere the covering with thin-bed mortar and align it. Leave the area of the covering support open when installing the cement grout.

Note: Remove any excess thin-bed mortar completely and seal any open areas in the adhesive layer.

Note: The use of acetic-crosslinking silicone is not permissible on channels, frames and grates.