The components of the expansion set Schlüter-KERDI-TS-ZC are made of polyethylene.
The material is physiologically harmless. Cutting waste is therefore not classified as hazardous waste. Polyethylene is not UV-stable in the long term; the product should not be stored in places with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
Material properties and areas of application
Schlüter-KERDI-TS is waterproof and resistant to any chemical stresses that typically occur in conjunction with tiled coverings. Schlüter-KERDI-TS is free of decay and rot-resistant and is highly elastic.
Resistance to chemical stresses beyond standard domestic cleaning agents should be verified separately.
Always check the substrates on which Schlüter-KERDI-TS is to be installed to make sure they are level, stable and dry. Remove all surface components that may weaken the bond.
Schlüter-KERDI-TS has been designed to protect waterproof applications such as bathrooms, wet rooms where the bath, shower tray, etc. abut the waterproof substrate. Correctly installed it provides a watertight connection to the substrate, and seal to the bath or tray.