Schlüter-DITRA-HEAT-E-KARO  Easy and disruption-free cable installation

We recommend the use of our heating cable dispenser Schlüter-DITRA-HEAT-E-KARO for installing Schlüter-DITRA-HEAT-E with all heating cable lengths. The dispenser simplifies the process of storing and transporting the heating cables safely. The convenient unwinding function makes the installation at the construction site much easier and eliminates disruptions.

Product image DITRA-HEAT-E-KARO 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
Product image DITRA-HEAT-E-KARO 2©Schlüter-Systems KG
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Product image DITRA-HEAT-E-KARO 1
Product image DITRA-HEAT-E-KARO 2

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