Schlüter-BARA-RHA  Height-adjustable cover profile

Schlüter-BARA-RHA is a height-adjustable cover profile made of high-quality, colour-coated aluminium for use in conjunction with our BARA profiles, providing an elegant way of covering and protecting the exposed edges of balconies and terraces. It is suitable for covering assemblies with individual heights up to 220 mm.

Schlüter-BARA-RHA  Height-adjustable cover profile

Product image BARA-RHA 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
Cross-section drawing BARA-RHA 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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Product image BARA-RHA 1
Cross-section drawing BARA-RHA 1

General product information

What this product does

Schlüter-BARA-RHA is inserted into the respective carrier profile to create a neat edge appearance.

The upper edge of the vertical profile anchoring leg can be aligned flush with the surface of the tile covering. BARA-RHA can be combined with the following carrier profiles:


How to install this product

  1. Cut Schlüter-BARA-RHA to size and insert it into the corresponding carrier profile. The angled support point must be on the inside. The minimum insertion depth is ≥ 2 cm (see drawing in the product data sheet).
  2. Make sure not to obstruct any existing drainage openings in the support profile when inserting BARA-RHA. Please refer to the cover height tables to confirm possible combination options (see product data sheet).
  3. The installation adhesive Schlüter-KERDI-FIX can be used for additional profile attachment and to secure corners and connectors.
    Note: Remove fresh KERDI-FIX residue with lubricant spray (e.g. WD-40). Thoroughly degrease the area afterwards.

What this product is made from

The profile is available in the following material version:

  • AC = colour-coated aluminium

Material properties and areas of application

Schlüter-BARA-RHA is made of colour-coated aluminium. The coating of the aluminium profile is colour-stable, as well as UV- and weather-resistant. Visible surfaces should be protected against abrasion.

In special cases, the suitability of BARA-RHA must be verified based on the anticipated chemical and mechanical stresses.

How to look after this product

Schlüter-BARA-RHA requires no special maintenance or care. The powder coated surface of the aluminium profile is colour-stable. Damage to surfaces can be restored with paint.