Schlüter-BARA-ESOT  Skirting carrier profile made of stainless steel

Schlüter-BARA-ESOT provides a convenient way of bonding skirting tiles to non-load-bearing substrates. The angular carrier profile is made of high-quality stainless steel.

Schlüter-BARA-ESOT  Skirting carrier profile made of stainless steel

Product image BARA-ESOT 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
Cross-section drawing BARA-ESOT 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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Product image BARA-ESOT 1
Cross-section drawing BARA-ESOT 1

General product information

What this product does

Schlüter-BARA-ESOT is an angular support profile for bonding skirting tiles to non-load-bearing substrates. These substrates include zinc-flashing or bituminous waterproofing layers which are used at wall/floor transitions on balconies and terraces. A foam insulation strip, cut in the same width as the skirting tile, is placed between the vertical leg of the profile and the wall. The trapezoid perforated anchoring leg of BARA-ESOT is embedded in the tile adhesive and covered by the floor tile. The special perforation of the vertical leg positions BARA-ESOT approx. 1 mm from the insulating strip.

First, dry-set mortar is applied to the skirting tile. The tile is then set against the vertical leg of the profile. The dry-set mortar penetrated the perforations of the skirting support and thus locked into the special structure of the profile.

How to install this product

  1. Apply a foam insulation strip to the wall at the height of the skirting.
  2. Embed the perforated anchoring leg of Schlüter-BARA-ESOT into the contact layer of the floor surface while pressing the profile against the insulation strip.
  3. Embed the floor tiles into the tile adhesive over the anchoring leg, ensuring complete coverage.
  4. Apply tile adhesive to the back of the base tiles and attach to the vertical leg of the profile. The adhesive must penetrate the profile perforations to ensure firm adhesion of the base tiles. Prior application of the foam strip prevents a force-conductive bond to the wall. A joint of approx. 5 mm should be left between the floor tile and the base tile. The joint must then be filled completely with grout.
  5. The wall connection above the skirting shall be sealed with a flexible sealing compound.
  6. Note: The base tile must either meet or exceed the height of the skirting support profile. However, the foam insulation strip must be applied at full skirting height.

What this product is made from

Schlüter-BARA-ESOT is an angular profile made of 0.8 mm thick stainless steel. Both legs of the profile are perforated. In addition, the vertical leg includes spacer deflections.

Material properties and areas of application

BARA-ESOT is used in the absence of a load-bearing substrate for the base tile, e.g., over waterproofing membranes which carry up the wall, or in cases where the skirting will not be bonded to the wall. Floor structures laid over waterproofing membranes must include the Schlüter-TROBA-PLUS drainage system so that water does not collect at or behind the skirting.

Skirtings laid on BARA-ESOT will absorb normal impacts caused by brooms or mops.

In special cases, the suitability of a proposed type of profile must be verified based on the anticipated chemical, mechanical and/or other stresses.

How to look after this product

Schlüter-BARA-ESOT profiles require no special maintenance or care.
