Schlüter-KERDI-BOARD-V  Substrate panel with vertical grooves

KERDI-BOARD-V is a tileable substrate panel with vertical grooves, which make it possible to form it into curved designs. For example, you could create a curved shower wall, or relaxing spa bench. To give you the greatest possible flexibility for your project, KERDI-BOARD-V is available in six different thicknesses from 9 to 50 mm.

Where to buy
Product image KERDI-BOARD-V 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
Cross-section drawing KERDI-BOARD-V 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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Product image KERDI-BOARD-V 1
Cross-section drawing KERDI-BOARD-V 1

General product information

How to install this product

Rounded walls made with Schlüter-KERDI-BOARD

  1. The grooved variant of Schlüter-KERDI-BOARD panels is suitable for creating rounded and curved structures.
  2. The grooved panels are first cut to the required size. If you need larger panels, you can simply join multiple boards together at their edges using double-sided tape.
  3. If the grooves face inward, they should be filled with tile adhesive in advance.
  4. Outward-facing grooves should be filled with thin-bed mortar before or during tiling.

What this product is made from

Schlüter-KERDI-BOARD is made of an extruded XPS rigid foam with a cement-free reinforcement layer and an anchoring fleece laminated on both sides. The upper face of the board is imprinted with 10 x 10 mm square gridlines.

Material properties and areas of application

Schlüter-KERDI-BOARD is waterproof and resistant to any chemical stresses that typically occur in conjunction with tiled coverings. Where required, a certified bonded waterproofing assembly can be created with KERDI-BOARD.

KERDI-BOARD is completely level and remains free of distortions and decay. It will not rot and is highly stable, even with one side exposed to temperature fluctuations and moisture.

KERDI-BOARD is ideal for a wide variety of applications. Product suitability must be verified in applications exposed to chemical or mechanical stresses. The information provided below is intended as a general guideline.

Substrates on which KERDI-BOARD is to be installed must be checked for sufficient stability and other project-related requirements. If directly adhering the product, remove all surface components that may weaken the bond. Alternatively, the product can be fastened mechanically with the corresponding anchors or screws.

Select a sufficient material thickness for building free-standing partition walls, shelves etc. out of KERDI-BOARD. Reinforcement profiles may be needed.

In floor areas, the use of KERDI-BOARD is restricted to areas with foot traffic. Depending on the system, stepping on such coverings with hard shoes or tapping them with a hard object may produce a hollow sound.

Select the material thickness and installation method according to the levelness of the substrate. Thin panels of KERDI-BOARD (5 mm) must be fully embedded in the adhesive.

How to look after this product

Store KERDI-BOARD on a flat surface or in another suitable form. When stored outside, the product must be protected against direct sun exposure and weather.

Bathroom features such as vanities, toilets or other heavy objects installed with the product must be anchored in the weight-bearing substrate. In case of substrates comprising stud structures or on-wall installation, attachment to the weight-bearing elements is mandatory. In addition, an abutment must be installed at the bottom of such structures, which may need to be reinforced.