The profile is available in the following finishes:
Material properties and areas of application
In special cases, the suitability of materials must be verified based on the anticipated chemical, mechanical, and/or other stresses.
Schlüter-SCHIENE-V are profiles made of aluminium. Technically, these are so-called semi-finished products, in which minor manufacturing traces also cannot be avoided. The suitability of the profiles should be reviewed based on the anticipated chemical stresses. Aluminium is sensitive to alkaline media. Cementitious materials, in conjunction with moisture, become alkaline. Since aluminium is sensitive to alkaline substances, exposure to the alkali (depending on the concentration and time of exposure) may result in corrosion (aluminium hydroxide formation). For this reason, remove adhesive or grouting material immediately from all visible areas and do not cover freshly installed coverings until the adhesive and grout have dried. Solidly embed the profile in the setting material to prevent alkaline water from accumulating in small cavities.