Schlüter-SCHIENE  Finishing profile for covering edges

Schlüter-SCHIENE is the original finishing profile for protecting the edges of tiled floor coverings. First launched in 1975, the extruded profile offers proven protection and adds a decorative touch to the edges of tiled coverings. The profile is also an excellent fit for other surface materials and applications, including: transitions between different surface coverings (e.g. tile to carpet), dado coverings, edge protection at expansion joints, decorative edging for external wall corners and stairs, as well as a finish edging for all types of surfaces. SCHIENE profiles also create neat edges for covering materials such as carpet, parquetry, laminates, natural stone coverings, or cold cured resin coverings.

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  • Also available in 3 m
  • Radius perforation
Product image SCHIENE 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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General product information

What this product does

The profile’s unique design combines specific angle positions and material wall thicknesses to transmit point loads into the substrate and surface covering, thus protecting the covering’s edges against damage. The joint spacer, which is integrated from a profile height of 6 mm, defines a joint chamber with the tile. The anchoring leg of SCHIENE, in all material types, can be punched with a radius perforation so that the profile can be used to form curves.

Schlüter-SCHIENE-M / -A / -AE profiles in sizes 2 mm, 3 mm and 4.5 mm do not have a joint spacer.
For technical reasons, products that are only one metre in length are not available with radius perforations.


Video How to install tile profiles for floor transitions - Schlüter®-SCHIENE
How to install tile profiles for floor transitions - Schlüter®-SCHIENE