Schlüter-DILEX-EMP  Stainless steel movement joint profile

Schlüter®-DILEX-EMP is a maintenance free, stainless steel movement joint profile for absorbing horizontal movement. The profile is especially suited for heavily used tile and natural stone surfaces set into mortar beds.

Where to buy
  • Foot traffic
  • Shopping carts
  • Cars
  • Trucks (max 40 t)
  • Forklifts
  • Pallet trucks
Product image DILEX-EMP 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
Cross-section drawing DILEX-EMP 1©Schlüter-Systems KG
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Product image DILEX-EMP 1
Cross-section drawing DILEX-EMP 1

General product information

What this product does

Schlüter®-DILEX-EMP offers secure edge protection for surfaces exposed to continuous vehicular traffic and is therefore suited for use in warehouses, shopping centres, underground car parks, or for floor surfaces maintained with cleaning machines.

The profile system is used for producing expansion joints in surface coverings made of quarry or ceramic tile, as well as natural or agglomerate stone, set into mortar beds. Movements within the floor covering are absorbed by the tongue-and-groove connection. The profile cannot absorb vertical movement. The visible width of the Schlüter®- DILEX-EMP profile in its base position is 12 mm.

How to install this product

  1. Select Schlüter-DILEX-EMP according to the height of the assembly.
  2. Set the profile flush against the edge area of a previously completed tile covering (profile should not protrude over the surface of the covering; preferably, it should be approx. 1 mm below the top level of the covering). The lateral profile parts must be solidly embedded in the mortar.
  3. Install the adjacent tile covering flush against the profile and fully embed the profile.
  4. Fill the remaining joint space of approx. 2 mm between the profile and the covering completely with grout.

What this product is made from

Schlüter-DILEX-EMP is available in the following material version:

  • E = stainless steel V2A, material no. 1.4301 = AISI 304

Material properties and areas of application

DILEX-EMP is made of stainless steel, material no. 1.4301, produced in a rollforming process and features trapezoid perforations in the centre area. The profile is highly durable and especially suited for application areas that must be resistant to chemicals and acids, such as the food industry, breweries, dairies, industrial kitchens, and hospitals as well as residential areas.

Even stainless steel is not resistant to all chemical stresses such as hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid or certain chloride and brine concentrations. In certain cases, this also applies to seawater pools. Special anticipated stresses should therefore always be verified in advance.

How to look after this product

Schlüter-DILEX-EMP requires no special maintenance or care. Stainless steel surfaces exposed to the environment or aggressive substances should be cleaned periodically using a mild household cleaner.

Regular cleaning maintains the neat appearance of stainless steel and reduces the risk of corrosion. All cleaning agents must be free of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid.

Avoid contact with other metals, such as regular steel, to prevent corrosion. This also includes installation tools such as trowels or steel wool, e.g. for the removal of mortar residue.

We recommend the use of the stainless steel cleaning polish Schlüter-CLEAN-CP.
